Heather Stephens

It’s complicated. My affair with running started when I was in sixth grade. As with any early life dating experience, it was awkward. Gangly limbs, suited up in Soffe Shorts and an oversized cotton tee, I took on the middle school mile in my Adidas All Stars. And I ran away from the one boy who was brave enough to compete with me. I crossed the line in 6:17, one second ahead of him. My first, little win and I was mildly intrigued. 


Insert, the hard to get phase. The middle school track coach chased me down to join the team and I spent the next three years resisting his offer. You want me? Eh, I’m not really into it any more. After all the pursuit is the most intriguing part. Basic laws of attraction, am I right? So I dabbled in soccer, a sport that didn’t come easy for me. It turned out that I could run fast, but I couldn’t score a goal. So I flirted with running again and decided to give it a chance. 

It was my very first love. Little did I know, I was locking in with a relationship that would go the distance. 

It has been a soul shaking, 


heart breaking,




rock solid love affair. 


The sport has carried me to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I broke up with it. Got back together. And recognized the meaning of putting in the work to make it work. 

It’s not about being all in or all out. With any commitment, it’s a vow to patience and love. A willingness to grow and change. Sometimes it's training for a race, and other times it's just running for the pure joy and transcendence of it. It’s who I am. It’s in my blood. It lives in my heart. And it makes me the very best version of me. This transformation in mindset came when I joined Oiselle. Powering up in O makes me feel strong on the challenging days. It’s a spark when the fire isn’t burning bright. 


So… what is (run) love? For me, it’s the stories, support, and successes of our community. For Oiselle, it’s the passion we pour into products that love you back. But for you… what is (run) love?

Show us, tell us, shout it from the rooftops. Get down on one knee and propose to it. Or give it some space so you can come back to it with a clear head and open heart. We’re dedicating a whole week to the question, and can’t wait to hear what you have to share. Use #RunLove and get in on the fun.


