Sarah Mac


If you were wondering what that huge void was in your life last weekend... it was Oiselle's Weekend Update! Don't fret, we're back. Alright let's get to it...

1. We would like welcome two new birds to the nest, Lauren Fries and Amy Barr. We couldn't be more excited for them to join the team. You'll get to know both more soon.


2. Let's just call it #MillroseMadness! We have Fast Kate in the mile TODAY! Buy the official Kate Grace cheer tee, read about her pre-race prep and get to know her in her official Competitor interview.


3. Sample Sale. Yes, Sample Sale. February 23rd. Mark your calendars, gas up the car, buy the plane ticket we are blowing out samples, select styles from last season and more! Come check out the new, improved Oiselle HQ and snag some great threads. 

So, What's going on in your world?

