jacquelyn scofield

We kicked off January with goals from our pros, then asked you to share yours. For Lauren Fleshman this is the year to take chances and let go of perfection in training. Kara Goucher will be focusing on believing in herself to make it atop the podium again. Steph Rothstein is gaining strength and rolling with the punches as she bounces back from injury. And Kate Grace is ready to race fearless as she hits the track this spring.

You all have shared inspiring goals of your own. We received an incredible number of responses compiled on our Pinterest board, some in their own blogs, and a handful of our favorites live here. Thank you for sharing with us! Keep dreaming big. #theyeari 

Prize Winners

A Few of our Favorites


Rebecca Trachsel: This is the year I really see what I can do. Lets fly. 

Michelle Chang: This is the year I live by my own playbook.

Holly Bachelder: This is the year I reclaim my title as "card queen."

Shanna McCarthy: This is ‪#theyeari take a step back to focus on moving forward ‪#theyeari believe in myself and break free from doubt.

Jenn Wilson: This is the year I break barriers and push limits. Read more from Jenn

Erin Taylor: This is the year I take trust out of my head and put it into my heart. Read more from Erin.   

Corinna Carlson: This is the year I challenge myself.


Alia Qatarneh: This is the year I, above everything else, feel strong mentally and physically.

Danielle Heffernon: This is the year I get strong before I go long & finally run the marathonI know I'm capable of.

Kacey Keyko: This is the year I stop looking back and start giving back. Read more from Kacey

Sam: This is the year I push myself to venture out of my comfort zone.

‪Jess C: This is the year I stop saying I'm going to do certain things and actually do them. Read more from Jess

Laura: This is the year I get ‪, try new workouts, & generally break free of my comfort zone. 

Aysha: This is the year I become a better version of ME. 


Kim Bissell: This is the year I run more races w/my kiddo, get faster, and work harder to do better in each race! 

‪Jennifer Karppinen: This is the year I surprise myself with what I can achieve

Arlene Espinoza: 2015 is the year I kick my business, running, and education up a notch.

Allie Kieffer: This is the year I run forward. Read more from Allie

Rebecca Tracy: worry less about everyone else's processes& focus on finding the balance that works for me. Dream big and believe in you!

Jessie Bohner: This is the year I find balance. I will become more in tune with my body and mind.

Victoria Freile: I will celebrate small successes and not let setbacks get me down.

Meghan Manaois: This is the year I refocus. Read more from Meaghan.  

Sarah Licht: This year I want to run faster and longer distances.


Jennifer Menclewicz: This is the year I aim, focus, and shoot for my dreams.

Rebecca Ayers: This is the year I will be injury free and run my first Ultra! Dream big, take chances, believe.

Kristine Torkelson: I will trust myself and my capabilities, and push myself out of my comfort zone in running, life and {hopefully} love. 

Monica Schneider: This is the year I run a sub-50 10K.

Shawna Carter: Take first place in a race, no more second!

Danielle Nicole: This is the year I qualify for Boston. Dream big, take chances, believe.

Emily Lenz: This is the year I get pregnant! (Fingers crossed!)

@k_stank: This is the year I finally run a marathon.

Jennie D: This is the year I run 1000 miles.

Kimberley Boulton: This is the year I make a return to full marathons and qualify for Boston!

Ashlie Tseng: This is the year I hope to run a sub30 5k and a 2 hour half! Dream big, take chances, believe.

jacquelyn scofield