
Hey, hey, a couple of months ago we announced an exciting new project we're doing with Title Nine...a new collection of tees that will be sold next year, the 40th Anniversary of the Title IX Enactment that brought widespread equality in sports for women. We asked you, and the Title 9 community, to throw their hat in the create t-shirt designs that embodied the spirit of IX.

The result was a full in-box! And a lot of very cool artwork, all revolving around this big idea of equality in sports and what it means, past and present. Ultimately, there were four winning designers who produced 8 designs. We can't wait to share them with you, beginning in February -- available for sale exclusively through Title 9 and

In the meantime, a huge shout out and thank you to the designers who submitted ideas. Please learn more about them, and see their designs, on our Facebook page. Beautiful ideas from creative people! Thank you, thank you!
